We live today in a world that is very much taken in by a wave of misinformation, not just from the world of politics, education, medical establishments, but especially from the religious or spiritual world.
For example; Spiritualism looks inward, at a god who claims to be inside the person. Christianity looks outward, at the transcendent God who spoke to Abraham and Moses, causing them to deviate from self.
Christianity speaks of a man, Jesus Christ, who once lived and died for the salvation of all who received him. Spiritualism speaks of a Cosmic Christ or an energetic Christ-spirit who, for millennia, has incarnated in various bodies as a teacher, not a Savior.
Christianity warns against evil spirits and demons who want to take control of the human body by speaking lies. Spiritualism claims that they are beneficent spirits who need to use human bodies as channels with messages of universal love.
Looking at Abraham’s spiritual journey, his success was because he continued to seek God until he came to know him as a friend. When people go to church as spiritual seekers, we need to help them seek out God as Abraham did.
We need to understand that the source of power is not innate in human beings, there is no inner god, no energy source, no cosmic energy, no vital energy! All power emanates from the creator, we are totally dependent on him. Our lives, our health, depend on following His directions and, by grace, receiving His blessings.
In this “Great Controversy” between Christ and Satan, Health occupies an important space for both Christ and Satan.
The Bible indicates that Satan has the power to cause catastrophes, diseases. (Job 1:19). His strategy is to believe that; illness is the result of the imbalance of universal energy (cosmic, vital …) in our body. And that we can only restore health if we reach this invisible energy.
Satan has changed the signposts on the side of the road. There are many paths that seem to point in the direction of full health and heaven, but which actually lead to death.
Sometimes we think we are wise and self-sufficient; we rationalize our concepts, we believe in the appearances of what the eye sees, and we forget to pray to God for guidance; we need to research what is behind this or that method of cure or diagnosis; whether there is a philosophy contrary to the biblical principle.
What we need today is constant vigilance, and remember that; “if possible, he would deceive the very chosen ones”.